Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Under The Wire...2 Final Models for 2014

2014 draws to a close. I'm back from a double family visit out east and have a few days off before returning to work. Prime hobby time!

I'm finishing off the year with two final models. The first is the Dreadstone Blight terrain piece from Games Workshop. If you have any interest in this model, you've probably already built it, as it came out a few years back. So, I don't have to tell you the fit of the pieces is terrible!

However, the final model fits the bill...ruined tower...boom.

I used a couple of different tones for the stone work, and there were enough details moulded into the sculpt to keep the visual interest up.

I also finished this Reaper Owl Bear, which has already made an appearance in the Tuesday night D&D game.

I'm not too keen on my paint job...but I do like how the base turned out.

Well, I want to thank you, my readers, for coming along on another year's ride alongside the hobby table. And the site just topped 300 followers (while closing in on 400K page views). Thanks for the comments over the year, and for keeping my motivation up. This completes the 5th year of the Hobby Table blog, and despite the time that has passed, I've enjoyed getting in a post most weekends.

Thanks for reading, and I'm looking forward to next year's projects...which will include a new 28mm Greek hoplite army, fingers crossed!

'Til next time.

Sunday, December 14, 2014

Two-headed Troll, Bugbears and Animals

I've had a pile of Reaper RPG figures sitting on my table for weeks. Today, I was finally able to clear away a few of them. 

First is this great two-headed troll figure. Love the sculpt. So much character in the two troll heads.

And there's a lot of sculpted-in the trophy skulls and treasure box. Lots of patch-work armor as well.

These two Bugbears came in a blister pack. Again, nice sculpts and good animation.

They should go well with the armoured Bugbears I painted up a month or two ago.

Finally, I picked up a pack of Reaper animals some time ago. I've been painting their wolves and a panther, and liked them just fine.

This is a bear and a badger. Nothing special...but they should still see use on the game table.

Well, with Christmas holidays pending, these may be the last figures I get out this year. We'll see. Maybe just before the new year I'll be able to get out some Mantic ghouls I've been working on.

'Til next time.

Legion of Everblight Solos

Last month, I painted these Legion solos for the local Warmachine painting challenge (where we are all trying to paint 100 points of figures in one year). 

So, first off, we have these Spell Martyrs. Yes, it was very fun painting the burst chest cavities. Lots of red ink in there.

I also painted a set of Incubi, chewing their way out of the Legion corpses they inhabit. Gross.

'Til next time.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Three Random Figures

There are about 20 figures on the hobby table right now, all in various states of completion. These three (happily) came off the table today. Done! It's a weird mix of figures. I've got a Warmachine Man O' War test figure (trying out some weathered winter camo). Another test figure of a winged Lizardman from Reaper, and a Skaven hero figure from Games Workshop.

I've been watching a lot of weathering tutorial videos on YouTube recently. I thought I'd try out an extreme worn winter whitewash on a unit of Demolition Corps.

I like the way this test figure turned out. Even though it's white washed, it still fits in with my grey Khador army.

On the fantasy RPG side, I've had a soft spot for winged Lizardmen since playing D&D in high school. There was a Judges Guild module by Paul Jaquays (Caverns of Thracia) that had a race of flying Lizardmen in it's background history, and I played in a friend's game where the slavers were winged Lizardmen as well...if I remember right, they were called Krolli.

I wanted to get away from a green scheme, so I went nuts and tried out purple and blue. Turned out OK.

Finally, another Skaven figure. This time a hero cast in metal.

Lots of good detail in this sculpt, and fun to paint.

Well, that's what escaped the table this week. Coming up on Thursday I'm doing an airbrushing tutorial at the LGS. Wish me luck! We'll see how that goes.

'Til next time.