Friday, July 19, 2013

Damiano Tier 4 Army Project: Part 0

Hello painters, gamers and Warmachine hobbyists. If you've been following this blog for a while, you know that I usually take on one big army project a year. Whether that's been Cryx, or historical Celts, or whatever. You get the idea. This year, I've decided to paint up a 50-point Mercenary army for Warmachine. My birthday was this past week, and it was a good excuse to get all the required material onto the hobby table. 

I've chosen to build and paint up a Damiano Tier 4 Free Companies army. It's thematic, mildly competitive and can be mixed to good effect with other Mercenary units I've painted up for Cygnar.

Here's the pile. This creates the following list:

Max Steelhead Halberdiers
Max Steelhead Riflemen
Min Steelhead Cavalry
Min Steelhead Cavalry
Stannis Brocker

Under the tier benefits with reduced cost cavalry, this actually creates a 48-point army. There are no other 2-point Steelhead solos or unit attachments at this I'll play two points down and see how it goes.

I'll post weekly on progress...looking forward to getting this balanced combined arms force out on the table.

'Til next time.


  1. Ah, that new project smell. Great stuff, looking forward to hearing about your progress.

  2. I give you credit Kevin, when you get into a project you go full-bore. I find I often find my stuff stuck on a shelf indefinately

  3. It involves buying a few more models, But I think you would have good success with condensing the 2 units of cav into 1 full unit and adding another min unit of halberdiers. It uses up the last two points and gives you a decent boost in models that your cav can flank.

  4. I actually think the two min units of Cav are a good way to go. 3 of them charging a heavy with the benefit of flank are usually just about enough to wreck it.

    That said, as a merc player, I completely agree with trying to get another halberdier unit in there. They tend to die in droves and Steelhead Cav are pretty mopey without the benefit of flank. My recommendation would be to replace a mule with a nomad (conveniently the same kit) and add a min unit. If you can find another 2pts a max unit would be even better.

    Looking forward to seeing the paint job on these guys Kevin. This project will also set you up with everything you'd need for Reznik's "Knockin on Heaven's Door" theme list which is pretty sweet.

  5. Thanks for the comments and ideas, guys!
